Thursday, March 17, 2005

We are so very lucky

Yes! We are so very lucky here in Malaysia. We have sunshine
throughout the year, rainfall anytime too, beautiful parks and
greenery around us, the world's tallest twin towers, even our
very own casino - but that's another story.

Anyway, we have lots to be thankful for. Just the other day, I
was talking with a colleague from the US and he said that he's
enjoying our food especially the morning nasi lemak and our
ice-cream, the yummy Cornetto. Can you imagine that? This is
his first visit here and he's even game enough to venture into
nasi lemak from a street vendor and enjoying it to boot. hah!

I tell you, from now on, I shall savour our nasi lemak and
Cornetto like there's no tomorrow. Malaysia boleh!


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